CIA's Covert War Against the Mentally ill
(too old to reply)
2005-11-17 01:48:12 UTC
CIA's Covert War Against the Mentally ill

The CIA has been conducting a covert war against innocent American
Citizens. This covert war entails the use of classified surveillance
technology and classified non-lethal weapons technology against the
civilian population. Throughout the United States, people with mental
disabilities are being selected for this covert war. The selected
people are placed under surveillance and attacked with non-lethal

The outcome of these covert operations include the following: Mothers
kill their children and claim that God told them to do it. People claim
that radiation weapons or mind control technology is being used against
them. People claim that they have lived in haunted houses. Etc...

Just as the CIA targets people outside the United State that it
considers a threat to the United States, the CIA also targets people
inside the United States it considers a threat.

The CIA's objective is to target mentally ill people throughout the
United States and create tragic events, such as a mother killing her
children because God to her to do it. The CIA is using these tragic
events to sway public opinion in favor of supporting laws against the
mentally ill. These laws include the forced treatment of non-violent
mentally ill people with medications that may cause irreversible brain

Just as the CIA mislead the American people into supporting a war in
Iraq based on faulty and made-up evidence of weapons of mass
destruction, the CIA is engaged in a cruel and evil campaign against
mentally ill people.

To learn more of this covert operation by the CIA please read the
website listed below:



Please Note: The information in this post and on the website listed
must be presented as fiction. Anyone claiming to be a victim of this
covert war or claiming it exists can be institutionalized and/or forced
onto medications. The technology doesn't exist in the eyes of Law
Enforcement or the Mental Health System.

Please post this information in other newsgroups and lists.
Todd Grigsby
2006-05-18 18:12:39 UTC
Another way to view this particular conspiracy theory:

NeoCon's Covert Propaganda War Using the Mentally Ill

The neo-conservative movement within the Republican Party, often referred to as
the "NeoCons", has been conducting a covert war against innocent American
Citizens. This covert war entails the use of classified surveillance
technology and classified non-lethal weapons technology against the
civilian population. Throughout the United States, people with mental
disabilities are being selected for this covert war. The selected
people are placed under surveillance and attacked with non-lethal

The outcome of these covert operations include the following: Mothers
kill their children and claim that God told them to do it. People claim
that radiation weapons or mind control technology is being used against
them. People claim that they have lived in haunted houses. Etc...

The purpose for performing such operations against the mentally diminished has
been hotly debated, with the leading theory being that news reports of these
incidents distract the American population from focusing on the actions of the
current presidential administration. High priority problems like the Iraq War,
impending inflation, savaged environmental protections, and a broken educational
system fade into the background in the general population's mind when confronted
with shocking, headline grabbing stories like a mother calmly drowning her
children or a school teacher have group sex with her students.

The NeoCons are using their current position of power to pressure the CIA into
utilizing top secret technologies to create these newsworthy distractions by
preying on innocent American citizens.

Just as the NeoCons misled the American people into supporting a war in
Iraq based on faulty, forged, and made-up evidence of weapons of mass
destruction, the NeoCons are now engaged in a cruel and evil campaign to use
mentally ill or unstable people to cover their tracks.

To learn more of this covert operation by the NeoCons, please read the
website listed below:


